Just like a cameleon, SecureXLS can metamorphose into whatever you need at the time : a method validation software application (linearity and repeatability study, quantification limit etc), a statistics tool (Dixon, Grubbs, Cochran, Fisher, etc), a form editor (antibiotic dosage, complaint registering etc) or whatever other tool you like.
Discreet and effective, SecureXLS will get rid of all those parasites (lack of traceability of performed operations, uncontrolled modifications of formulae and data, password management etc).
Your current Excel files are :

With SecureXLS, your Excel files become :

Practically everyone in the working world uses Excel* for data processing and storage, calculations etc. But did you know that Excel security measures can no longer provide enough security and confidentiality for your data in the face of current regulations ?
That’s where SecureXLS can help you.
Our software enables you to keep using Excel in your company AND comply to standards / regulations such as : the CNIL (French office of information Commissioner), FDA (21 CFR Part 11), Sarbane-Oxley, cGMP, etc.
* Excel® is a trademark of Microsoft